

[多选] 下列属于城市近期建设规划的基本内容的是(  )

A . 确定近期人口和建设用地规模,确定近期建设用地范围和布局
B . 确定各项基础设施、公共服务和公益设施的建设规模和选址
C . 确定近期居住用地安排和布局
D . 确定近期环境保护规划安排和布局
E . 确定中低收人居民住房建设措施

请根据下面短文回答第下题: Weight(体重)is one of the taboo subjects.In America,it is OK,or even good,to be thin but it is an embar-rassment(尴尬)to be overweight.In fact,the thinner you are,the more beautiful you are thought to be You’ll find that most models(模特)are nothing more than skin and bones.A woman who is thin is easy to become popular.Of course,there are lots of people do their best to be thin.They may use all kinds of ways such as doing exercise.0r dieting(节食).But,sometimes,dieting may bring about some healthy problem5·Americans are very careful about their weight and most of the time they do not tell others how much they weigh…even if they are quite thin.Therefore,you’d better not ask about it. But if you really want to talk about this subject,it,s always safer to say,“0h,it looks like you have lost weight,”However,if you would like to be honest and polite.I suggest that you should choose your words carefully,perhaps by sayin9,“Hey,You look great. Very healthy looking.”And always remember,you can not use the word “fat”.Those thin women are more popular than those fat women. Right.。 Wrong.。 Doesn’t Say.。 第49题应选: read。 reads。 readed。 第47题应选: in plane。 by a plane。 in a plane。 1949~1978年我国在计划经济条件下,居住区按照街坊、小区等模式统一规划、统一建设,其中有代表性的小区有?(  ) 北京夕照寺小区。 上海番瓜弄。 北京方庄居住区。 北京百万庄居住区。 广州滨江新村。 制定城市规划应遵循的原则是(  ) 统筹兼顾,综合部署。 分期建设,留有余地。 合理利用,节约资源。 功能协调,结构清晰。 依托旧区,紧凑发展。 下列属于城市近期建设规划的基本内容的是(  )



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